Wednesday, July 22, 2009


we grew up always yelling 'geronimo!' when we jumped off of tall stuff.  i have no idea why, but it made it more exciting.  who was that guy anyway?  he was actually an indian war chief for the chiricahua apache indians.  he spent his life fighting off the americans and spaniards from taking over apache territory.  in 1851, his people got raided by mexican soldiers, and they killed his wife, kids, and mom.  he spent the rest of his life in retaliation.  apparently he had some special powers.  they say he could walk w out making tracks.  he could also do telepathy.  and, he could survive a gunshot wound, as well as rifle, musket, pistol, or knife wound.  his guys loved him, and would attest to this.  the powers were attributed to 'unsen,' the apache high-god.  i have yet to discover if he jumped off tall stuff...

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